Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Learning the Dutch Language

So now that I've been here for over 5 months, I thought it was about time to talk about how I'm going learning the Dutch language. It's not easy, let me tell you that! Learning a second language isn't easy, especially if you're from a country that doesn't put much emphasis on it. That said, I've always wanted to fluently know another language. To be able to make sense of something that sounds like 'gobble de gook' to others. I think it's amazing.

I've taken one 7 week course already, and today I started another. One of the best things about these courses are that the common language that the participants have is Dutch, so Dutch is spoken for 2 hours straight. Everyone's pretty much at the same level as well, which means that the language is easier to understand than conversations with Dutch people. Another great thing is that I'm actually starting to learn some of the grammar and the sentence structure. Today we looked at asking questions and although that sounds simple enough, the structure is important, and in my case, different to the structure of a question in English. Let me try to give an example:

The question- Weet je of ik deze computer mag gebruiken?
Literally- Know you if I this computer may use?
Not literally- Do you know if I can use this computer?

Can you see the difference? I mean it's not really that hard, but I have to think about what I want to say before I say it, and that takes time. And that's only one aspect of the language. Another is pronunciation of words. Some combinations of letters just stump me! The worst being 'schr' as in schrijven.

My biggest problem at the moment is that I'm shy. Other than in class, I don't really speak Dutch. I listen to Dutch when I'm working with the Dutch students, but I don't really speak it much. My Dutch housemate and I are working on talking in Dutch more, so that should help. Tonight I'm going to dinner at a Dutch couple's house, one of which doesn't speak much English, so that should also be a good chance for me to practice. Another problem is that the Dutch people are so nice! When I say things sometimes they automatically switch to English because they notice my accent. This is happening less, so maybe that means my pronunciation is improving- at least I can think that!

To finish off this post, I want to leave you with some of my favourite Dutch words so far. If you have any questions about the language (or corrections if you're Dutch), feel free to comment!

Gezelig!- There's not really a translation that really fits this word. It's kind of like 'comfy' or 'nice' but it's so much more than that. I think that's the reason why I like this word (despite it being hard for me to say!)
Ongelofelijk/Ongelooflijk- 'Unbelievable'/'incredible'. I love saying this word
Slaap lekker- literally means 'sleep yummy'. Means sleep well, but makes me laugh
Pannenkoeken- 'pancakes'. Not only tasty, but fun to say!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Becoming who you want to be

Let me pose a question to you all. How do we become the person that we want to be? As the new year has started, it's the time to think about what's ahead, to think about the changes that are coming, and also the changes that you want to make in your life. This usually leads to a list of 'resolutions'. Resolutions in this sense is defined (by dictionary.com) as 'the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action'. It's usually about what you want to change in your life for the coming year. I've never made a New Year's Resolution. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because I don't think you need a new year to make you want to change something. Maybe it's because I know that I don't have the will power to stick to it. Maybe it's because it's a tradition and I really don't want to be stuck doing something that I don't want to do, just because everyone else is doing it. Maybe it's a combination of all of these things.

But my question is still relevent. How do we become the person that we want to be? We all have ideas about who that person is. Some of the things we want might be unrealistic, but what about those things that are realistic? I have this feeling that I'm not currently growing at all into this 'envisioned' person. But who is this 'person'- this 'ideal Hayley'? She's someone who puts Jesus at the centre of her life. That focuses on Him and who He is, what He's done and lives her life according to those things. I don't feel like I'm that person. I feel like I'm actually growing away. How do I change this?

There's so much talk these days about change coming from within. Flinding your own power to change. I think this is a load of crock. If I'm relying on my own power to change, I'm never going to change- at least not into the person I should be. Our human desires are to rebel against God- to grow away from Him and to put ourselves at the centre of our lives. This is the opposite to what I want. I want Him at the centre. I want to be the person He wants me to be. If I rely on my own strength to do this, it won't work. I can only do this through His power. This change is an important one, and something that needs to happen daily in my life.

What person do you see when you envision the 'ideal' you?