Monday, December 30, 2013

The Blessing of Work

Work. The word itself just sounds like a bore. As soon as I write the word my imagination conjures up images of hard labour and days lost behind a desk. I wonder what you're thinking as you read the word. It's something that most people do, in some form or another, and that most people take for granted. Despite how you feel about work, it's an extremely valuable thing. It gives your days purpose and you get to contribute to society. It also provides money that can help provide for your needs and the needs of your loved ones.

After 6 months of not having work, I'm feeling a bit lost. My days often don't have a purpose or goal and time just slips away. You might think that this is the best type of holiday ever, but, after 6 months, it's just too much. I've developed bad sleeping patterns and the lifestyle of a hermit. I feel unproductive and, at times, a drain on society.

That said, I have now got a job which starts in the new year!! It's not what I was originally thinking of doing, and it's night shift, which is not ideal, but my perspective of work has changed. I'm thankful that I will now be able to spend at least some of my time (it's a part-time job) in a productive manner and that there will be some purpose to some of my nights. I'll be able to provide at least something towards my needs and the needs of those I love. I feel like I'm a participating member of society again.

So when you head off to work again after your holidays, have a think about what your work means to you. Think about what you can be thankful for with your work and your job. And have a think about what having work would mean to those who haven't got any.

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