Thursday, September 5, 2013

When I have all the time in the world.

I often say things like 'if I had the time I would...' Do you say that? I think about the things that I would do if I had more time and think about how great it would be to do those things. Some of those things include:
- trying that new recipe
- reading that/those book/s
- seeing people
- organising things better
and the list goes on...

When it comes down to it though, I don't do those things. Like right now I have all the time in the world. I'm not working (although I am looking for a job) and I have no fixed commitments. So now I have the time to do all those things that I've been wanting to do 'if I ever had the time'. So now would be the time to tell you all about the amazing things that I've been doing. Unfortunately I don't seem to work like that. Since I have all the time in the world, I tend to do nothing. I watch TV, read articles (and Facebook) and just potter around the house doing not much at all. It's such a waste. So I've decided to try and do some things that are on my list of 'if only I had the time'. I'll get back to you in a couple of days and let you all know how it goes.


  1. I've committed myself to trying a new recipe for dinner each Sunday night, from a recipe book I was given recently. It has been a great experience! Many of the dishes I've never even heard of before!

    Hope you enjoy setting these challenges for yourself! I look forward to hearing about how it goes!

  2. Heey Hayley, I miss you around here! But nice to keep up by reading your blog. Enjoy the time you have doing the things you like to do. God bless you :-)
    Love, Eveline

  3. someone once said to me - when I've nothing but time that's exactly what happens, nothing.

    "I would I could stand on a busy corner, hat in hand, and beg people to throw me all their wasted hours."
    - Bernard Berenson
