Tuesday, December 3, 2013


I'm living in Limbo. It's been just over 5 months since I got back to Australia, and it feels like I'm just sitting here waiting for my life to begin. Before I left the Netherlands, I was eagerlly awaiting a new start. I was thinking about all the possibilities that life held for me. A new place to live, a new job, a change. But it seems that this new start has been put on hold. I feel like someone has pushed the pause button on my life, and I have no idea when they're going to push play again.
I know this sounds quite dramatic, but it's the truth. I'm currently living with my parents and looking for work. That's about it. While it was nice to have some down time, 5 months is a bit of overkill. I'm not currently living my 'old life' in NL, but I also haven't started my 'new life' in Aust. It's starting to get frustrating.

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